Curriculum Vitae

You can download my CV as a PDF here:    

Highlights are below.

Professional Appointments

  • Assistant Professor, 2020-present.

    University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA

    Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

    Department of Geological Sciences

    Stable Isotope Lab

  • Director of Academics, 2023-present.

    Juneau Icefield Research Program.

  • Associate Director, 2019-2023.

    Juneau Icefield Research Program.

  • Stanback Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-2020.

    California Institute of Technology, CA, USA,

    Division of Geologic and Planetary Science.

  • Postdoctoral Scholar, 2018

    The University of California Santa Barbara, CA, USA,

    Earth Research Institute.

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, 2017

    The University of Washington, WA, USA,

    Department of Earth and Space Sciences.




Fellowships and Scholarships


Stanback Postdoctoral Fellowship, California Institute of Technology. 2018-19

Bjerknes Visiting Fellow, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway. 2019

David A. Johnston Award for Research Excellence, University of Washington. 2016

Dean’s Medal, College of the Environment, University of Washington. 2016

ARCS Foundation Fellowship, University of Washington. 2011-14

Fulbright Fellow, U.S. Department of State. 2010

Mason Hill Award for Geology, Pomona College. 2008

Susan Walker Burke Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Pomona College. 2004-08