Climate Dynamics
Past and Present
I’m Bradley Markle. I’m an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) and the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
I’m a scientist interested in the Earth’s climate system, how it works and how it changes through time.
The goals of this website are two-fold:
A place to put some research.
A place to put some photography.
My interests are in Paleoclimate and Climate Dynamics, particularly in the high latitudes.
I use geochemical proxy records and models to understand what the Earth’s climate looked like in the past and the mechanisms by which it works.
I’ve been very lucky to go to some very pretty places.
A lot of my research is about understanding how the Earth changes over long periods of time, hundreds, thousands, and hundreds of thousands of years.
I also really like making and watching time lapses.
I like time lapses and studying paleoclimate for a lot of the same reasons. They both can reveal processes happening on timescales one wouldn’t otherwise be able to understand.
Some time-lapse from Denali in 2013, and Disko Island, Greenland in 2014. Apologies to Bach.